Thursday, July 17, 2008 @6:27 AM
The dawn is breaking, its early morn.
Being the silly me, trying to fight with time and stop him from moving towards 8 o'clock, HAD TO get out of my bed at that second. Its Thursday, my finals for the semester is like two days away. I dragged myself to the bathroom, freshen up, and got ready for college.
Sighs. This little feeling of sorrow is running all over my mind, making me upset at the same time. Its a quiet journey to college with her this morning. I just don't feel like uttering a word.
Yes, time is running out.
Looking at my group mates, snapping pictures with cellphones and cameras, planning for farewell party? Its really disturbing. Supposedly, we will never be in the same class and the same group of friends for the next semester. This is so true.
From ice breaking, doing some simple self-introduction, getting into groups and waving my fingers saying hello to my new friends. It feels like yesterday. It feels like I've just went to the orientation, getting so confused by all the things that are going to happen to me in college, doing different things at all sorts of departments at HELP, trying so hard to get used to the life underground with freezing air conditioners. All of these happened just like a lighting at the sky, where I will not catch them if I blink my eyes.
Gossips, disatisfactions and confrontations.
When there's people, there's gossips. Yea right.
So so so many things had happened since March 17. All of them doesn't seem to matter much to me, till today, until I feel that pinch that this semester is going to an end. Although its just 3 to 4 months time together, we're still friends. Eventhough we don't say Hi to everyone ever
yday, but still, we would at least move our lips for a few mm's at least, when we bump into each other. Some might not be close, but yeah, we're from Group D.
Maybe you know, this is just time for us to grow up, to start mixing around, to let yourself to get familiar with people in the shortest period of time, because that's what's the outside world is going to be like! No joke.
I will miss you guys. Seriously.